Funky Knits : Knitting know-how for hip young things

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know-how for getting started —then skate into 30 contemporary projects like iPod covers, a striped beanie, egg cozies and fruit protectors (seemingly outrageous but strangely practical), a guitar case, record bag, two-tone socks, pixie hat and more. Or experiment with tried and true designs like hoodies, scarves and hats—after all, if you have to stay warm, why not look cool?Contents:The Knitty Gritty: Materials; Equipment; Getting started; Knit and purl; Binding off; Gauge; Patterns and charts; Shaping techniques; Colour work; Finishing. Urban playground: Knee-pad covers; Power wristbands; Key chain; iPod covers; Striped beanie; Hooded top; Textured zip-up top.